Tuesday, February 28, 2012

{Welcome Baby Beckham Feb 15 2012}

Ten beautiful fingers and 10 perfect little toes! 6lbs 15oz and 20 inches long!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

{Protect Idaho Kids Fashion Show Fundraiser}

Today I went to the Protect Idaho Kids Spring Fashion Show Fundraiser at the Cotton Wood Grille Where Nikki and Josh Volunteered their time as models for Dillards. It was a great time and the show went off without a hitch. Who knew I was married to a male model? I'm so proud of my family for being active members in our community and for donating their time for such an amazing cause.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

{37 weeks and Full Term}

I had my dr's appointment this morning! I am already more dialated than I was when I went into labor with Madden (2cm 75% effaced). I hope it's any day now! I will keep you updated. I have gained about 30 lbs so far this pregnancy just like last time. They say that is a healthy weight. For what my thighs look like, It better be healthy! Hahaha. In the beginning they thought I wouldn't be able to have an epidural, but the results are back and it looks like I'm good to go. I was really sweating that. Josh will be getting back into town this afternoon from a work trip, so it's just a waiting game now!  XOXO