Our Family

Here is my family...Well, half of it at least! Josh and I are hiding and there is actually a baby belly under that big coat! 

Nikki is 11, full of spice and if you ask her she'd tell you she's pretty amazing! She is growing up so fast we can hardly believe our eyes. We couldn't imagine life without her and her sweet little smile and energy filling up our four walls with laughter and sound. 

Madden is 3 and he is everything I ever imagined and more.  He is full of wonder and "why's"  With his daddy he is all half nelsons and games of cops of robbers, and with me, he is just as lovey and cuddly as ever. I believe they call that a "momma's boy" He loves to dress up in his super hero costumes and save the day  and also wants to have his hands in anything going on in the kitchen. That is my little helper by day, and super hero by night!

Josh is the Vice President of the Executive Search Firm Jivaro doing contract negotiations for clients  in the high tech and software industry   http://www.jivaroinc.com/bios.html  He just celebrated his 12th year there.  Besides being amazing at his job...I can't complain about his skills as a father. I am constantly impressed by him and who he is as a daddy. I have no worries that our children will grow up to be responsible, independent loving people just like him.